Applied Reactor Physics, 3rd ed.
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Reactor physics is the discipline devoted to the study of interactions between neutrons and matter in a nuclear reactor. This third edition of Applied Reactor Physics, addresses the fundamentals of reactor physics. Legacy numerical techniques are introduced with sufficient details to help readers implement them in Matlab. The fundamental approaches presented here provide a solid foundation for the more advanced and proprietary techniques that readers may encounter in production environments.
Applied Reactor Physics emphasizes the algorithmic nature of the numerical solution techniques used in reactor physics. Many numerical solution approaches described in the book are accompanied by Matlab scripts, and readers are encouraged to write short Matlab scripts of their own in order to solve the end-of-chapter exercises.
The third edition includes key improvements in the text, a completely rewritten appendix on numerical methods, new end-of-chapter exercises, and an extended bibliography.
Alain Hébert has been a professor in the Institut de génie nucléaire at Polytechnique Montréal since 1981. From 1995 to 2001, he worked at the Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique, located in Saclay, France. During this period, he led the team that developed the APOLLO2 lattice code, an important component of the "Science and Arcadia" packages at Areva. Back in Montréal, he participated in the development of the DRAGON lattice and TRIVAC reactor codes, both available as open-source software.

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ISBN : 978-2-553-01735-3
84,00 $ / 63,00 €