Asymmetric Operation of AC Power Transmission Systems

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Today, simple and cost-effective strategies can be implemented to operate AC power transmission systems more reliably and economically. As will be seen in this book, asymmetric operation of three-phase transmission corridors brings new degrees of freedom to the planning and operation of point-to-point transmission, inter-area interconnections, singleand multiple-line corridors, and networks feeding large metropolitan areas, either for new build or retrofit. Asymmetric Operation of AC Power Transmission Systems is a comprehensive review of all aspects of asymmetric operation ranging from system implementation to costs, reliability and economics.

This book is an invaluable tool for professionals working in industry, government and research as well as students and professors in electrical engineering and applied science.


Bulk power transmission systems are operated symmetrically. When a problem occurs on a three-phase line such as a short-circuit on an individual phase, all three phases are taken out of service even though two sound phases remain and are able to function normally. Such a strategy is fundamentally inefficient: considering that, on average, 95% of faults on EHV and UHV transmission systems are single-line-to-ground faults, such a strategy is fundamental incorrect 95% of the time and is therefore wasteful of installed transmission capacity.


First, the underlying concepts of symmetric three-phase transmission system planning and operation are introduced. Then, asymmetric operation is presented, and its impact on system security and reliability is considered. Different implementation strategies are examined, and numerous practical examples illustrate the ease and flexibility with which such strategies can be applied in the case of either multiple- or single-line AC power transmission corridors. Finally, economic analysis quantifies the benefits of asymmetric operation.

Richard J. Marceau, Eng., Ph.D., is professor of Electrical Engineering and Provost at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

Abdou-R. Sana, Eng., Ph.D., is an independent consultant in electric energy systems.

Donald T. McGillis, Eng., is an adjunct professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at both McGill University and Concordia University.

Asymmetric Operation of AC Power Transmission Systems

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ISBN : 978-2-553-01403-1

46,95 $ / 34,00 €